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Khawaja, S., Qureshi, H.F., Šola, H.M. et al. (2022). OBC Research Book. Volume 1. Woodston: Book Printing UK Remus House. pp. 89-113. Available at:

Šola, H.M. (2018). Neuromarketing Armoury. Part of the Neuromarketing Science and Business Association Publication Series, Vol.4. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. ASIN: B07B6T67WH. Available at:

Šola, H.M. (2017). Neuromarketing Armoury. Part of the Neuromarketing Science and Business Association Publication Series, Vol.4. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition. USA. ISBN-10: 1543261892. ISBN-13: 978 1543261899. Available at:

Šola, H.M. (2016). Marketinška Oružarnica. Izdavačka kuća Redak. Split. ISBN:978-953-336-312-7. CIP- Sveučilišna knjižnica u Splitu. Available at:

Scientific papers/Peers

Šola HM, Qureshi FH, Khawaja S. (2024). AI-Powered Eye Tracking for Bias Detection in Online Course Reviews: A Udemy Case Study. Big Data Cogn. Comput.8, 144. DOI:, pp.1-22. Available at:

Šola HM, Qureshi FH, Khawaja S. (2024). AI Eye-Tracking Technology: A New Era in Managing Cognitive Loads for Online LearnersEducation Sciences; 14(9):933. DOI:, pp.1-25. Available at:

Šola HM, Qureshi FH, Khawaja S. (2024). Predicting Behaviour Patterns in Online and PDF Magazines with AI Eye-Tracking. Behavioral Sciences; 14(8):677. DOI:  pp.1-28. Available at:

Šola HM, Qureshi FH, Khawaja S. (2024). Exploring the Untapped Potential of Neuromarketing in Online Learning: Implications and Challenges for the Higher Education Sector in EuropeBehavioral Sciences; 14(2):80. DOI:  pp.1-27. Available at:

Hedda Martina Šola, Fayyaz Hussain Qureshi and Sarwar Khawaja. (2023). Eye-tracking Analysis: College Website Visual Impact on Emotional Responses Reflected on Subconscious Preferences. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 14(1). DOI: pp.1-11. Available at:

Hedda Martina Šola, Fayyaz Hussain Qureshi and Sarwar Khawaja. (2022). The Effect of Facebook Page Design on Emotion Change and Behavioral Engagement: Neuromarketing Research in Higher Education. COJ Rob Artificial Intel. 2(4). COJRA. 000541.
DOI: 10.31031/COJRA.2022.02.000541

Šola, H.M., Gajdoš Kljusurić, J. and Rončević, I. (2022). The impact of bio-label on the decision-making behavior. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:1002521. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.1002521, pp.1-15. Available at:

Šola, H.M., Mikac, M. and Rončević, I. (2022). Tracking unconscious response to visual stimuli to better understand a pattern of human behavior on a Facebook page. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, v.7, issue.1., 100166, ISSN: 2444-569X, pp.1-9. Available at:

Šola, H.M., Qureshi, H.F., & Khawaja, S. (2021). Enhancing the motivation and learning performance in an online classroom with the use of Neuromarketing. European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies, v.7, issue.1., ISSN: 2501-9988. ISSN (online): L-2501-9988. doi: pp.1-25. Available at:

Šola, H.M., Steidl, P. Mikac, M., Qureshi, H.F. and  Khawaja, S.(2021). How Neuroscience-Based Research Methodologies Can Deliver New Insights to Marketers. International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, v. 4, Issue. 10., ISSN (print) 2644-0679. ISSN (online):2644-0695. DOI: 10.47191/ijsshr/V4-i00-01.pp 2963-2972.
Available at:

Šola, H.M., Zia, T. (2021). Social media and students’ Choice of higher education institution. European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 4., ISSN 2501-9988. DOI: pp 103-131. Available at:

Šola, H.M., Qureshi, H.F. and  Khawaja, S.(2021). Applied management post-COVID19: Implications for academic managers in private higher education, beyond crises. European Journal of Education Studies, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 10., ISSN: 25011111. DOI: pp.292-312.
Available at:

Šola, H.M. (2015).Management changes in economic recession. Znanstveno-stručni časopis Sveučilišta Hercegovina, Putokazi.E-IISN:2303-470X,Vol.3., No.2., pp.1-16.

Šola, H.M. (2014).SWOT analysis of the Republic of Croatia as an investment destination. FIP Scientific journal of Effectus College for Law and Finance with international peer-review. ISSN: 1849-241X. Volume 2. Issue 1., pp.79-90.
Available at:

Šola, H.M. (2013).Neuromarketing-science and practice. FIP Scientific journal of Effectus College for Law and Finance with international peer-review. ISSN: 1849-241X. Volume 1. Issue 1.,pp.25-35.
Available at:


Published professional papers

Šola, H.M. (2022). Neuromarketinško mjerenje pažnje i emocionalne uključenosti studenata tijekom online nastave na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. Virtualna stručna konferencija FET- Business Insights, Zbornik proširenik sažetaka. Mošnja Škare, L. Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Fakultet ekonomije i turizma „Dr. Mijo Mirković“. ISSBN: 978-953-8278-92-1. Pula. pp.11-16.

Šola, H.M. (2022). Using Neuromarketing to Understand Motivation and Learning Performance in Online Learning. Neuromarketing Year Book 2002. Neuromarketing Science & Business Association, Netherlands. pp.40-48.

Šola, H.M. & Mikac, M. (2022). Testing Product Packaging With The Use of Neuromarketing to Optimise the Sales. Insights 37. Neuromarketing Science and Business Association, Netherlands. pp.16-19. READ MORE

Šola, H.M. (2019). Neuromarketing u promociji predškolskog obrazovanja. U: Sanković, M.,ur. 23. Sajam zdravlja- sajamski vodič, zbornik i izvješća, Vikovci, Hrvatska. Vinkovci: Projekt Zdravi Grad, str.145 – 147.

Šola, H.M. (2018). The Influence of Neuromarketing on Product Development Using The Example of Packaging Design. Insights, Issue No.24. Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA).

Šola, H.M. (2016). Neuromarketing i politika. Poslovni Savjetnik, internet izdanje.

Šola, H.M., Kesar, O., Pirjevec, B., Salamon, D., Tkalec, Z. (2016). Strateški marketinški plan turizma Grada Novalje 2016-2020. Institut za obrazovanje za poduzetništvo.

Šola, H.M. (2013). Medijsko upravljanje kriznim situacijama. Poslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 99, pp.34-35.

Šola, H.M. (2013). Neuro Pr- Što mogu Odnosi s javnošću naučiti iz NeuromarketingaPoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 98, pp.12-13.

Šola, H.M. (2013). Primjena marketinga uz dozvoluPoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 97, pp.23-24.

Šola, H.M. (2013). Teorija IgaraPoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 96, pp.51-52.

Šola, H.M. (2013). Pozicioniranje tvrtke u recesijskim uvjetimaPoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 93, pp.12-13.

Šola, H.M. (2013). Greenwashing ili zeleno pranjePoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 92, pp.51-52.

Šola, H.M. (2012). Uspostavljanje Business Intelligence sustava u poduzećuPoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 91, pp.26.-27.

Šola, H.M. (2012). Kratki priručnik o obveznom označavanju znakova na proizvodima i ambalaži u RHPoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 90, pp.60.-61.

Šola, H.M. (2012). Dječji marketing-IgroglasiPoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 89, pp.60.-61.

Šola, H.M. (2012). Efekt leptira u menadžmentu tvrtkePoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 86, pp.22.-23.

Šola, H.M. (2012). Akvizicija poduzeća: A+B=A’ ili B’Poslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 85, pp.20.-21.

Šola, H.M. (2012). Prikriveni ekonomski pokazateljiPoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 84, pp.66.-67.

Šola, H.M. (2012). Kompetitivna inteligencija u poslovanjuPoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 83, pp.42.-43.

Šola, H.M. (2012). Neuromarketing-znanost u službi kupcaPoslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 82, pp.32.-33.

Šola, H.M. (2011). Rizik naplate. Poslovni Savjetnik, ISSN: 1845-092X, br. izdanja: 81, pp.58.-59.

International Reviewer and the Signatory of the Book Cover

Dovas, P., Forentino, L. & Grieve, C. (2017): The Market Research Revolution: A Marketer’s Guide for Emerging New Methods, (NMSBA), Vol. 5 .

Petar, S. i Petar, F. (2017). Moć uspješne prezentacije. RTL Hrvatska. ISBN: 978-9537769-21-5.

Projects of Major Importance (co-author)

Šola, H.M., Kesar, O., Pirjevec, B., Salamon, D., Tkalec, Z. (2016). Strategic Marketing Plan for Tourism of the Town of Novalja for the period 2016-2020. Institut za obrazovanje za poduzetništvo.

Šola, H.M., Tkalec, Z., Tafra, V. (2016). Visual Identity of Novalja Town. Nikola Šubić Zrinski Business College. Zagreb.

Šola, H.M., Tkalec, Z., Tafra, V. (2016). Visual Identity of town of Pag. Nikola Šubić Zrinski Business College. Zagreb.

Šola, H.M., Tkalec, Z., Tafra, V. (2016). Visual Identity of Municipality of Kolan. Nikola Šubić Zrinski Business College. Zagreb.

Šola, H.M., Tkalec, Z., Tafra, V. (2016). Visual Identity of Municipality of Povljana. Nikola Šubić Zrinski Business College. Zagreb.

Šola, H.M., Jurčić, M., Doležal T., Vlajčić I., (2011). The Strategy of attracting foreign direct investment to the Republic of Croatia. Croatian Trade and Investment Agancy (TIPA). Croatian Goverment.

Šola, H.M., Mikac., S. Jurčić, M., Doležal T., Vlajčić I. (2010). The Promotion of Croatian Export. Croatian Trade and Investment Agancy (TIPA). Croatian Goverment.

Šola, H.M., Mikac., S. Jurčić, M., Doležal T., Vlajčić I. (2008). E-Investment Portal. Croatian Trade and Investment Agancy (TIPA). Croatian Goverment.

Professional Organization Membership

HDSVIP – Member of the Croatian Association of Expert Witnesses and Valuers

UNCTAD – Registered consultant

NMSBA – Member of the Neuromarketing Science & Business Association

KRUG – Member of the Croatian Association of Business Women

International conference alerts 2021-2022

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